
Showing posts from February, 2016

The Perseverance of the Saints: Rome v Reformed

February 28: The National Covenant of Scotland

March Devotionals—Patrick of Ireland: A Devotional History

Why our good works cannot be part of our righteousness before God.

Election Day Sermon: Rev. Samuel Payson

1570 – The Excommunication of Elizabeth I

Rev. Charles Tennent: A Plain, Good Minister of the Gospel

Review: The Flow of the Psalms by O. Palmer Robertson

The Kingdom of God’s Sovereign Grace

Rev. Francis D. Cummins, D.D.

Righteous Before God

A Dying Man's Regrets

1688: James Renwick, to end the Killing Time

Book Review: Black and Reformed

Honest John Hart

A Broken Spirit; A Broken and a Contrite Heart

Spurgeon and Places of Entertainment

Resurrection of the Body

A Plan For Reforming Worship

Communion Controversy

Carolina Covenanters (1801)

Burning John Calvin in Indiana

The Easter season – is this celebration Biblical?

Zwingli and the 'Sausage Supper'

Lent: Of Good Intentions, Spiritual Disciplines, and Christian Freedom

Of God The Holy Ghost (Continued)

Merchandising the Gospel

Of Cameronians and Seceders, The Difference Found Between Them

Spiritual Stamina

Gilbert Tennent: Christian Home Training

Children at the Lord’s Table?

TULIP and the Doctrines of Grace

Puritan Preaching: The Pilgrim's Progress