
Showing posts with the label Swiss Reformation

Anna Reinhart Zwingli and the Swiss Reformation

Marie Dentière – A Pillar of the Reformation in Geneva

The Swiss Reformation 1528-1531 (Reformation Overview 16 of 21)

The Swiss Reformation 1526-1530 (Overview 15 of 21)

Switzerland and Germany 1523-1527 (Reformation Overview 11 of 21)

The Swiss Cantons 1484-1522 (Reformation Overview 8 of 21)

Reformation Women: Anna Reinhard

The Bold Legacy of John Calvin’s Co-Pastor

Zwingli and the 'Sausage Supper'

In Loving Memory of Pierre Viret: The Forgotten Reformer, Counselor, Angel, and the “Smiling Face” to the Reformation

Heinrich Bullinger: Phoenix of the Reformation

Huldrych Zwingli [1484-1531]