
Welcome to Morning Studies!

In 2001, I began a daily e-devotional called the Morning Studies which eventually became this blog. I pray you will follow along as we explore the Reformed Christian faith.

Please know that even though all effort is made to only publish and share solid reformed Christian teaching, history and information, Morning Studies does not necessarily endorse all that you may read in the articles posted or at the sites to which you will be linked. Please use Biblical discernment. 

Thank you!

About the editor (My Testimony):

I am a Confessional and Reformed Christian; plus the editor of Christian Heritage News, Christian Life News and Reformed Christian Studies.

After becoming a Christian in 1976 and falling out of church fellowship for a number of years, the LORD renewed my new birth in Christ in 1992. He then soon had me involved with local Christian activists as a member of the Illinois Christian Coalition (1994 - the same year I was elected to the local school board) and then as a county chapter leader in 1995.

 I joined the Constitution Party of Illinois and served as an officer from May 2001 until my resignation in January 2005. During this period of time I was very active politically as a grass root's leader and organizer.

For several years I wrote an "Opinion Shaper" column for our local newspaper and many of those articles are now archived at my personal blog.

I also spent many years ministering to the lost and speaking on behalf of the preborn at the local abortuaries. I've also served as a volunteer with Christians for Personhood. 

But my greatest love is for the truths of Scripture and sharing them with others.

May the good Lord be glorified!

Please feel free to visit my other blogs:

No king but King Jesus!

Angela Wittman, editor

*Header photo from Pexels


  1. Hi Angela,

    I don't remember if I was able to email you, but I wanted to let you know about something that happened today that I find interesting.

    I'll be heading up to a cabin in Virginia this weekend with my wife and younger son. It's located just south of the New River State Park, maybe about 40 miles or so southwest of Blacksburg.

    And so I was looking for a church to attend on Sunday and I came across Christ Church in Radford, VA. I couldn't tell if it was a PCA church by its website (that's our denomination), so I googled it and found a blog post about the church on the 5ptsalt blog. Lo and behold there you are with a comment from 2013!

    I'm not completely onboard with Paul Washer, although I do watch quite a few of his videos on YT and I get a lot out of them.

    My other option is Pulaski PCA obviously in Pulaski.

    It's funny because I was thinking earlier today that since I went to high school in Prince George county maybe I would see someone I knew 43 years ago.

    Do you have any insights on either of the two churches or a recommendation on which would be a good choice for Sunday services?



    1. Hi Larry! Good to hear from you! I'm sorry, but I don't remember my comment about Christ Church - I hope it was good! Here's the link to their webpage: http://www.christchurchradford.org/ I hope it helps you. I can only recommend that you see if they have any sermons online so you can get an idea of what their teaching and Worship services are like. :)

  2. Dear Angela Wittman,greetings
    my name is william getumbe. i lead house church gatherings
    here in kenya
    please could you assist us with bibles
    we have over 3000 believer who need bibles urgenly
    whatever you can do towards this need will be of great help
    i have tried to approach all leading bible donating organization
    all in vain.
    please help us
    thank you
    yours faithfully
    brother william getumbe

    1. Dear William, Sadly I do not have the resources to supply you with Bibles. However, I encourage you to contact churches to help. Have you tried contacting missionary services in America or Europe? I recommend the Reformed Presbyterian Church, Orthodox Presbyterian Church, Presbyterian Church of America and the Southern Baptist Convention as good places to start. They have the resources needed to supply Bibles. I will be praying for you.

    2. I also recommend you contact Gideons International: https://gideons.org/


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