
Showing posts with the label Pastor Benjamin Glaser

The True Leisure of the Christian's Rest

Working For a Weekend of Gracious Rest

Keeping Communion in the Right Place

Bathing the Lord's Supper in Prayer

Expressing the Bounty of the Table

The Ignorant & Scandalous At the Table?

The Question of Frequency of the Supper

The Corporate Blessings of the Sacrament

Fathers Must See Their Babies Baptized

Pastoral Prayer and Communities of Faith

The Prayer After the Sermon

Comfort, Comfort Ye My People

Sermons and the Minister's Focus

It Takes a Village to Make a Sermon

So Pastor, What is Your Point?

Figuring Out What to Preach and When

Rejoicing in the Blessing of Preaching

Pray for your Pastor's prayers

Feasting On the Pastoral Prayer

Prayer Builds Up a Nation in God's Image