
Showing posts from October, 2015

Of the Last Judgment

“Then Luther arose” by John Calvin

Archive Recording of Dr. Ian Paisley: Richard Cameron (Covenanter)

Of the State of Men after Death, and of the Resurrection of the Dead

Mrs. Janet (Mure) Carstairs: 'A Dearest and Most Kind Friend'

Of Synods and Councils

Katherine Parr: Reformation Queen of England and Ireland

Devotional: 'Sins of Ignorance'

Of Church Censures

Of the Lord's Supper

Of Baptism

John Knox: Reformer of Scotland and Father of Presbyterianism

The Second Part - Of Man's Deliverance (Continued)

Of the Sacraments

Of the Communion of Saints

Of the Church

The Reformation & the Rediscovery of Christian Assurance

Of Marriage and Divorce

Of the Civil Magistrate

What is thy only comfort in life and death?: The Life and Significance of Zacharias Ursinus and the Heidelberg Catechism

The Second Part - Of Man's Deliverance

A Righteousness Apart from the Law That Is Not against the Law: The Story and Message of The Marrow of Modern Divinity

What Is Reformation Day All About?

Of Lawful Oaths and Vows

In Loving Memory of Pierre Viret: The Forgotten Reformer, Counselor, Angel, and the “Smiling Face” to the Reformation

Of Religious Worship, and the Sabbath Day