
Showing posts with the label Church

C.H. Spurgeon: Love the Church

What kind of king does the church have?

WCF Chapter 25: Of the Church

Church Membership Should Matter to You

Bullinger for Today

The Ruling Elder: Past & Present

The Church is Still Christ’s Glory

The Mission of the Church, by J. Gresham Machen

Cleansing the Church

Of the possessions of the Church

Of Rites, Ceremonies and Things Indifferent

Of The Ministers of The Church, Their Institution and Duties

Of The Catholic and Holy Church of God, and of The One Only Head of The Church

Belgic Confession: Church Officers

The Government of the Church

The Marks of the True Church

Belgic Confession: The Church

The Curse of Using Carnal Methods for God's Work

Christ's Church Travailing

To the Evangelical Nicodemites