Deuteronomy: The Great Commission of the Old Testament

By James Faris - Posted at Gentle Reformation:

Deuteronomy warmed the hearts of God’s people of old because the book is Moses’ powerful life-end sermon that served as the Great Commission of the Old Testament. It was crafted to set hearts aflame with love for God and a vision for his kingdom among those who awaited the Messiah by faith. Jesus spoke the Great Commission of Matthew 28:18-20 to his disciples at the end of his time on earth, and those words enlarged hearts for God and set the course for his disciples through time until he comes again.

Consider the similarities in the life-circumstances of the preachers:
  • Moses preached Deuteronomy at the end of his life on earth as his people were sent into a new and daunting mission.
  • Jesus preached the Great Commission at the end of his life on earth as he sent his people into a new and daunting mission.
Consider the similarities in redemptive history:
  • Moses preached Deuteronomy after the Old Testament picture of salvation, deliverance from Egypt, had been accomplished.
  • Jesus preached the Great Commission after accomplishing our salvation at the cross and empty tomb.


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