
Showing posts from January, 2019

Consider Jesus– in the Anticipation of Death

Consider Jesus– in Sickness

Consider Jesus– in the Avoidance of Offence

Consider Jesus– in the Exercise of Praise

Recommended Sermon: The Problem: All Head, No Heart

Consider Jesus– in the Forgiveness of Injury

Consider Jesus– in Communion with God

Consider Jesus– in Soul-trouble

Consider Jesus– as Not Alone

Consider Jesus– in Loneliness

Consider Jesus– as Forsaken by God

Recommended Sermon: Why God (Doesn't) Answer Prayer

Consider Jesus– as Forsaken by Man

Consider Jesus– Our Paymaster

Consider Jesus– as Afflicted

Consider Jesus– as Tempted by Satan

Consider Jesus– as Without Deceit

Consider Jesus– the Object of Popular Hate

Recommended Sermon: The Good Shepherd Treated Badly

Consider Jesus– the Object of Popular Favor

Consider Jesus– in Obedience to Human Law