Federal Vision - What Is It And Is It Good Or Bad?

By Rev. David Silversides - Sermon Audio

(67 Minutes)
Link: http://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=1126121218471


1. What Is It?
It claims to be a return to a federal or covenant vision held by the early Reformers, but it winds up to a serious distortion of the biblical teaching of the church and serves to corrupt several foundational doctrines of Scripture.

2. The history
Norman Shepherd - his teaching that faith and works are combined in the point of justification - Steve Schlissel lecture 'The Necessity of Covenant Consciousness' - Auburn Avenue Conference - FV defenders and opponents - the biblical doctrines under attack by FV.

3. The new perspective on Paul

4. A review of 'Reformed' Is Not Enough by Doug Wilson
Doug Wilson's views tend to the complete obliteration of the distinction between the visible and the invisible church. Several points examined and refuted.

- Postscript

Of further relevant interest is the address 'The marks of a true Christian Church' included in this series:


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