Submissive Wives

By Dr. Alan Cairns - Posted at Sermon Audio:

Sermon Info:

Ephesians 5:21-33 deals with the respective roles and responsibilities of wives and husbands. Today we consider what Paul says about the proper attitude of a Christian wife.

Verse 21 sets the tone of the entire passage: it is all about submission. The word translated "submit" means

- to put oneself under another;
- to subordinate one's position and interests to
- to yield to another's control, direction, advice,
or admonition.

As we come to this text, we must repudiate all the ideas of the world. This teaching is anathema to a worldly mind. But not to a spiritual mind.

For a Christian wife, this is a matter of her

- Holiness - for we are dealing with God's command;
- Honor - for this is something most Christian wives
vowed before God to do.
- Happiness - for no-one can improve on God's
provision for a happy home.


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