Posted at Purely Presbyterian:

John Calvin
The 19th Sermon
upon the second chapter of 1 Timothy

[Part Six]

Housewifery is service unto God.

Therefore let women study this lesson day and night that first of all they may play the housewives. And if women were the most negligent in the world, yet is there here matter enough to awaken them, and to correct this idleness. And how? If we take pains, we serve God, and not men. Again, when a man seeth his wife employ herself all the day long to do her duty, let him also consider whereunto God hath called him, that he also for his part may do his duty. For a man is not born to idleness, nor a woman.

Therefore (as I said) let women cast their eyes hither, for there is occasion enough to correct their slothfulness, when they shall see that the question is of serving God. And how? When they fall to kneading (as the proverb is) and apply themselves to good use, and flee not the subjection which God hath set them in: for this is to strive against God, when a man doth not follow his vocation, which is our true rule, that is to say, that which we have to do, and what God appointeth every one of us, according to the state whereunto he is called. Therefore let women have this mark to shoot at, and say, “well, although the world have no regard of me, yet must I find myself occupied here, for so God commandeth me.” And thus much touching the first, how women have to take occasion to be diligent—and moreover also they have to consider, that when they do their duty and execute their office, God accepteth well of it, although men despise it.

And if men say, “What is this? A woman playeth the housewife, she spinneth on her distaff, and this is all that women can do.” As indeed there are a number of fools that when they speak of women’s distaffs, of seeing to their children, will make a scorn of it and despise it. But what then? What saith the heavenly Judge? That he is well pleased with it, and accepteth of it, and putteth it in his reckoning. So then let women learn to rejoice when they do their duty, and though the world despise it, let this comfort sweeten all respect they might have that way, and say, “God seeth me here, and his Angels, who are sufficient witnesses of my doings, although the world do not allow of them.” And this have women to note.

But yet (as I said), men for their parts must also learn a lesson hereby. For if women be saved when they give suck to their children with their own breasts, when they wipe them, and make them clean, when they have been troubled in bearing them—in like sort, the men when they take pains to nourish their family, when they travail, according as it is said, “Thou shalt live by the sweat of thy brow” [Gen. 3.19], when men (I say) take pains every one in his trade and his degree, and be painful therein, and if there be troubles about their family, they bear with their wives, encourage them, and help them as much as they can, as God hath joined them together with an inseparable knot. When they are caused to wake for their children, they have a care that way, so that they bear it patiently, and rejoice, seeing God bless their labour, these are as many sacrifices to him, as we have shewed.



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