The Godly Family Life

By Dr. Alan Cairns - Posted at Sermon Audio:

Sermon Info:

Ephesians 5:22-33 is a key passage on marriage and the home. But we must not isolate it. Note where Paul places it in the Epistle:

I. It is a part of the Christian WALK.

A. Walk worthy of your vocation: 4:1
B. Walk in separation from the world: 4:17-19
C. Walk as those who are new creatures: 4:20-22
D. Walk as imitators of God: 5:1-14
1. As children of love: 5:1-7
Note the strong arguments against the lusts
of the flesh
2. As children of light: 5:8-14
E. Walk in Wisdom: 5:15-17
F. Walk under the control of the Spirit: 5:18-6:9
1. Wives: 5:22-24
2. Husbands: 5:25-31
3. Children: 6:1-3
4. Fathers: 6:4
5. Servants: 6:5-8
6. Masters: 6:9

II. It is a preparation for Christian WARFARE: 6:10-20

A. The Adversary: 6:12
B. The Armor: 6:10-11,13-20


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