Working For a Weekend of Gracious Rest
By Pastor Benjamin Glaser - Posted at Thoughts From Parson Farms:
The Bounty and Beauty of the Sabbath Day For the BelieverWhile technically we only have two sacraments in Protestantism it could be said that there is one other matter that is sacramentalized, and that is the Sabbath Day, the Lord’s Day, and/or Sunday. It was set apart by God from the seventh of creation at the very foundation of the world. The first day of the week (last day in the old covenant) was declared holy, transformed, from its common use to a special mercy of Jehovah not just for His sheep, but for everyone everywhere. One of the interesting details from Moses’ giving of the Fourth Commandment is that not only are you to rest on the day of the LORD, but so to are your maidservant, manservant, and any of your other neighbors who happen to be visiting in your domicile when Sunday comes around.
Let’s look at the section from the DPW for today:
THE Lord’s day ought to be so remembered before-hand, as that all worldly business of our ordinary callings may be so ordered, and so timely and seasonably laid aside, as they may not be impediments to the due sanctifying of the day when it comes.
The whole day is to be celebrated as holy to the Lord, both in publick and private, as being the Christian sabbath. To which end, it is requisite, that there be a holy cessation or resting all that day from all unnecessary labours; and an abstaining, not only from all sports and pastimes, but also from all worldly words and thoughts.
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