Keeping Communion in the Right Place

 By Pastor Benjamin Glaser - Posted at Thoughts From Parson Farms:


This will be our last look at the Lord’s Supper before we move off to the Lord’s Day and the blessings of the Sabbath in the next section of the directory. There is a logic to how the DPW treats the sacraments and their observance in public corporate worship before taking on the question of the fourth commandment and the time given over by God for its celebration. Our focus today is going to be two-fold. In one part we will examine the movements and in another what we understand happens when we set apart the elements of bread the cup in the meal.

Here's the section of the DPW to get us started:

The elements being now sanctified by the word and prayer, the minister, being at the table, is to take the bread in his hand, and say, in these expressions, (or other the like, used by Christ or his apostle upon this occasion:)

“According to the holy institution, command, and example of our blessed Saviour Jesus Christ, I take this bread, and, having given thanks, break it, and give it unto you; (there the minister, who is also himself to communicate, is to break the bread, and give it to the communicants;) “Take ye, eat ye; this is the body of Christ which is broken for you: do this in remembrance of him.”

In like manner the minister is to take the cup, and say, in these expressions, (or other the like, used by Christ or the apostle upon the same occasion:)

“According to the institution, command, and example of our Lord Jesus Christ, I take this cup, and give it unto you; (here he giveth it to the communicants;) This cup is the new testament in the blood of Christ, which is shed for the remission of the sins of many: drink ye all of it.”

After all have communicated, the minister may, in a few words, put them in mind,

“Of the grace of God in Jesus Christ, held forth in this sacrament; and exhort them to walk worthy of it.”

The minister is to give solemn thanks to God.


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