Reasons why ministers must be diligent in their ministry

 Posted at Reformation Scotland:

Little is known about the minister called Archippus. Perhaps he was a colleague of Epaphras in Colosse, or maybe pastor of the church of Laodicea. All we know is that while Paul was in prison in Rome, writing to the church of Colosse, he identified Archippus as someone who needed one piece of advice, “Take heed to your ministry” (Colossians 4:17). There are after all many reasons why a minister could slack off and become lax in his work. The people he pastors may not show the growth he would like to see after all the labour he has spent on them, or they may actively oppose and undermine him. His own indwelling sin could be getting the upper hand in his soul, and there could be too much love of the world. All these are factors identified by the Covenanting minister William Veitch (1640–1722). Nevertheless, as a pastor himself, Veitch urges his fellow ministers to maintain diligence in their ministry. In the following updated excerpt from his sermon on Colossians 4:17, Veitch gives several reasons why this is so important. These also give material for church members to pray for their pastors.

The preciousness of the work

It is a great trust, far above any other trust in this world, when immortal souls are committed to us. These are the souls about which the thoughts of the Most High have been concerned from eternity, and for whose redemption God manifested in the flesh shed His precious blood, and for whose espousing He has put us unto the ministry.

I think we should never go this errand, without praying like Abraham’s servant (Gen. 24:12). We should pray, “O Lord God and Father of my master Jesus Christ (who has promised Him a great backing and a numerous seed, upon which He may see the satisfaction of the travail of His soul), send me good speed this day, and put forth thy power in the preached gospel, that Thy people may be a willing people!”

O, but it is a high and a great calling to trade about the saving of souls, one of which is a more precious jewel than the whole world can purchase or redeem! (as Christ tells us out of His own mouth; Matt. 16:26.)

Surely of all other persons, ministers should be most diligent, seeing they have both their own souls to save, and others!


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