WCF 32: Of the State of Men after Death, and of the Resurrection of the Dead

By William Boekestein - Posted at Place for Truth:

Many people are uncomfortable thinking about death. That’s understandable. Death is hauntingly foreign, like traveling to a country from which visitors do not return. But we must think about it because we will travel there. Our discomfort with mortality cannot delay the inevitable. And the matters are vital. What happens when we die affects how we live now. And how we live now determines what happens when we die.

So we must think about death in the only way that will truly help us, by listening to the Bible. Our questions about what happens after death can’t be fully answered by science or experience. And personal opinions and theories are useless. So what does God say about the state of humans after this part of our lives is over? Let’s break that question into two parts.

What Happens When I Die?

Two main things will happen, corresponding to the two parts of our humanity.


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