Revival: Looking Forward By Looking Back

 By Rev. A.P. McIntyre - Posted at Clogher Valley Free Presbyterain Church:

A Present and Future Reality

This particular study is focused upon learning lessons from the past for both the present and the future. This is the nub of history. It cannot be a mere fact learning exercise. If our history lessons are only a learning of facts we have missed the purpose. Revival is both a present and a future reality for the Church. Revival is occurring at all times in several parts of the world among the people of God. This work of revival has been a constant characteristic of Christ’s body since the Day of Pentecost.

Unpacking the Sails

Not all Christians have seen or experienced revival but all, have benefitted from revival and every prayer for revival will be answered in God’s time. In examining some of the characteristics of revival; we ought to thirst for revival by endeavouring to build our Christianity upon the pattern of the revived Church. We cannot create revival, we cannot manufacture revival but we can certainly emulate the characteristics of truth and faithfulness that we discern in the revival Church. The Bible teaches that “the wind bloweth where it listeth” and we cannot tell where it’s coming from or where it’s going to, “so is everyone that is born of the Spirit” (John 3). We cannot make the wind blow but we can set our sails to catch the wind of God when revival comes. This study will unpack the sails with the intention that together we hoist them in expectation and readiness for the coming wind.


Revival principally and essentially is a work of the Holy Ghost. In Scripture this work is known as as the outpouring of the Spirit as was the case at Pentecost.
