WCF 14: Of Saving Faith

By William Boekestein - Posted at Place for Truth:

Of all the words that have lost meaning in modern culture, faith must be near the top of the list. Today faith is considered a generic attitude of openness and trust. Even many modern Christians boast of having no shared creed. In our day faith is believing in good things.

The Christian concept of faith is entirely different. Faith is a saving grace by which believers fully accept God’s revealed truth centered in Jesus Christ. The Christian faith is not inclusive; it does not accept competing claims as equally valid. This makes Christianity unpopular. But if God is true we must believe him no matter what others say. Since biblical faith is so different from worldly faith we need to know where it comes from and what it does.

Where Does Faith Come From?

Faith is not a natural quality in sinful people. Yes, anyone can be open and trusting. But such “faith” doesn’t save anyone’s soul (Heb. 10:39). Even the most optimistic person naturally distrusts God, which has been the default quality of fallen man from the start of sin (Gen. 3:1). Saving faith doesn’t originate with us; itcomes from the God who gives every good and perfect gift (James 1:17; Eph. 2:8). Faith is the opposite of a work.


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