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Depiction of Lydia of Thyatira |
1. The general ministrv of all baptized
Every truly Christian person
was anointed and appointed and called to the general ministry or office of all
believers at his or her baptism. Matt.
28:19 & Acts. 8:12 cf, Ex.19:3-8 & Num, 11:29 & Joel 2:16,28-29
& Acts 2:17,38-39 & I Cor. 12:13-20,26 & Gal. 3:27-28 & Eph,
4:4-5,12-13,16 & I Pet, 2:9, See also Martin Luther, the Belgic
Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism, the Westminster Confession
of Faith, and the Westminster Larger Catechism.1
By virtue of this general
ministry, all Christians are to be Christ's prophets and priests and kings at all times and in everything they
do. Hence, all female Christians too
are “heirs together” with all of
their Christian brothers, and are themselves to be Christ's prophetesses and priestesses
and queens -- all the time. I Pet. 3:7 cf. I Cor. 10:51 & Eccl.
3:1-13 & 5:18-20 & 9:7-10. Cf.
also F.N. Lee’s 1977 Principles of Biblical Church Government, and especially the section there on The
Office of All Believers. Indeed,
every human being should be involved in serving God as a “minister” alias a
“servant” of the Lord.
Rom, 13:4 cf, I Tim, 1:12 & I Pet. 4:10-11.
2. The general ministry of all “sisters in
Godly Christian women
conscientiously occupying the general office of all believers, do wonderful
work for the Lord and His people. One
need only think of many of the very
“elect ladies” mentioned in Holy Scripture (cf. II John 1,5,13).
For Sarah was the very
“mother” of all truly Christian women -- even as regards her respectful obedience to her
husband Abraham. Cf. I Pet. 3:6 &
Heb. 11:11. The penitent Rahab risked
her very life to further the extension of God's Kingdom. Josh. 2 cf,
Heb. 11:51 & Jas. 2:25. Under the
influence of her godly mother-in-law Naomi, Ruth even abandoned her own
nationality -- in order to become an ancestress of Jesus. Matt. 1 & Ruth chs. 1 to 4.
And Esther Queen of Persia risked
dethronement -- rather than not protest the persecution of the people of God. Est. 4:14-16.
Moreover, Mary the mother of
Jesus gladly accepted the slander of evil men in exchange for the great
privilege of bearing the Saviour in her own body. Luke 2:34-38 & John 8:18-42. Mary Magdalene and Johanna and Susanna and
many other women “ministered” to Jesus with their possessions and
through their services, both during His lifetime and after His death. Luke 8:2-3 & 23:56 to 24:10.
Both the female tentmaker
Priscilla and the wealthy businesswoman Lydia -- placed their homes at the
disposal of Paul and other preachers.
Acts 16:14,15,40 & 18:2-26.
And Timothy's mother Eunice and
grandmother Lois gave that dedicated preacher his first infant groundings in
the God-breathed Scriptures which they themselves had absorbed. II Tim. 1:5 & 3:14-17 cf. I Tim.
2:15 & Ti., 2:4-5.
3. The triple ministries of the special male
offices: Preacher-Elder-Deacon
In addition to the above
general office or ministry of all male and female believers, there are also
three special male offices or ministries.
These all seem to root in the “triune office” of the male Christ Jesus and in His prophethood
and kingship and priesthood. Cf.
Luke 4:18.
Now these three special male
church offices are: the Ministry of the Word and Sacraments; the Ruling
Eldership; and the Diaconate. See F.N.
Lee's Principles of Biblical
Church Government -- and specially its two sections ‘What is a Church
Office?’ and ‘The Triune God and the Triune Office.’ Thus, according to the infallible teachings
of Holy Scripture, all Preachers (in the Ministry of the Word and Sacraments)
and all Governors (in the Ruling Eldership) are to be suitably-qualified adult
communicant males. I Tim. 2:7 to 5:7 & Tit. 1 :5-13. And so too are the Deacons (in the
Diaconate). Cf. Acts 6:1-8 &
Phil. 1:1 & I Tim, 3:12.
4. The Biblical Diacomate of male Deacons: often helped by auxiliary fulltime Deaconesses
It must be noted that the
first New Testament Deacons were all males -- even though elected
to take care specifically of neglected widows. Acts 6:1-8 & 7:2,21 cf. I Tim.
5:8-13. Yet even in apostolic times, it
is certain that specially-qualified Christian ladies helped those male
Deacons. And they did so in the ladies' own fulltime
auxiliary church ministry -- as Deaconesses. Cf. I Tim, 3:8-11 & 5:9-11 &
Rom. 16:1-2.
Thus the same Paul mentions
“the women” qualified to assist the male Deacons in I Tim. 3:8-11. Indeed, it is them whom he probably mentions
again in 5:5-16, where they would seem to be mature women and especially diligent
widows sixty years old and above. He also describes “our sister” Phebe not
only as a patroness or “a succourer of
many” but as “a diakonos of the church at Cenchrea.” Rom. 16:1-2.
Again, in the church at Lydda,
Peter encountered the woman Tabitha or Dorcas who, by making “coats and
garments” for impoverished widows, helped them in a similar way to the manner
in which the first all-male Deacons did.
Acts 9:56,59,41 cf. 6:1-8.
Thus, not only the male Deacons but so too the “women” who obviously
helped them, were to be respectable; unloquacious; circumspect; trustworthy in
everything. I Tim. 3:8-11 cf.
2:9-11. Deaconesses* tasks apparently included
especially: caring for widows and orphans; showing mercy to the sick; providing
hospitality; and succouring many.
I Tim. 3:8-11 cf. 5:3-16
& Jas, 1:27 & Rom. 12:4-13 & 16:1-2.
To be continued.
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