Reformed Stupidity?

By Wes Bredenhof

I saw this question on Reddit recently:

Do Reformed preachers not see the stupidity of telling people not to rely on their works while also saying genuine faith produces good works? It just seems like double-speak to avoid being labeled Catholic or Arminian.

I reply: this Reformed preacher fails to see the stupidity in this at all. I’ll explain.

There is an important distinction being missed here by the questioner. In Reformed theology, we distinguish between the basis of your salvation and the outcome/response to your salvation. Drawing on the Bible, Reformed theology teaches that the basis or ground of our salvation is only in the finished work of Jesus Christ (Romans 3:24). His perfect obedience and his perfect sacrifice on the cross constitute my righteousness before God. I can be justified – declared righteous – only because of Christ. Therefore, I rely on him and what he has done, rather than on me and what I have done.

Having been saved by God’s free grace in Christ, I’m brought to love him. It’s this love that compels me to want to please him by doing his will (John 14:15). The Holy Spirit has turned my heart towards God and he leads me to want to do good works. Though not consistently, I now want to pursue sanctification – growing in holiness before God. I’m not relying on my works as the basis for my salvation, but I am becoming zealous to live for God’s ways simply because I love him. There’s nothing stupid or inconsistent about that.
