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The True Leisure of the Christian's Rest

By Pastor Benjamin Glaser - Posted at Thoughts From Parson Farms : How the Sabbath is the Given that We Might Be Built Up in a Community of Faith Good Morning, As we continue to speak on the Sabbath Day we kind of have to in these days reaffirm that I am not introducing some new Legalism or wanting to take away fun or whatever. God in His grace gave the Fourth Commandment for our benefit. Man was not made for the Sabbath, but the day of rest for man. As the Directory of Public Worship explains why we are to not just individually, but as a community of faith keep the Sabbath Day holy one of the principles that will be hard for us in America today to remember is that we are not a bunch of individuals making our own moral decisions which only affect our lives. Everything we do has a consequence. It is part of what the Lord means when He says in the book of Proverbs, “He who walks with wise men will be wise, But the companion of fools will be destroyed.” What do we call wisdom in the Bibl...

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